Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Happy New Year!!

Yes you read that right....(I am not having a Prograf Moment) tonight at sundown marks the beginning of the Jewish New Year or Rosh Hashana. We eat apples and honey so that the New Year maybe sweet and healthy.....I understand that. We all need to have our health, because without it Life is Hard. Granted some have it worse of then others, but when it is happening to you, you tend to forget that. Even though I was ill for 10 years with my Heart I would always stop and think of those who had a different type of suffering. An example is watching my dear friends' son, who was only 18 dying of cancer....or hearing of a baby being beaten or shaken to the point of major trauma or even death.

Today I met with my new Endoc(diabetic doc) she wants to make some changes and I will seriously take them under advisement and discuss them with the transplant Doc when I meet with him next week.

I am feeling good and would like to get the sugar levels under better control. I am eating healthier (ok except for the occasional cookie or 2 or 3) I am walking at least a minimum of 3 miles a day (ok more if I get lost and all turned around as to where the hell I am) but the point is I feel good. I will put some of the changes she suggested in to place right now but will wait to add medications till I see the Doc.

My wish for the New Year is that EVERYONE enjoy good health....I also wish everyone a SWEET New Year but as a Diabetic I need to remember to STAY AWAY FROM THE BAD SWEETS!!!


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