Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Fun day at the lanes.

It really does not matter how well I bowl....because lets face it if I was good I be out on tour. But instead I am an ok bowler...today I bowled a 105 and 101 with a 170 tossed in the middle so that I am able to keep my average.

Today I bowled with TEAM PITTSBURGH we are transplant recipients, who participate in the Transplant games. Then things that it does not matter who is bowling who...there are no prizes in the league...but we do cheer for each other. Let me just say we cheer loud and proud!!! Usually the lanes are empty as the afternoon crowd is going home and the evening leagues have not started yet. Not only do we cheer for each other during the games, but we celebrate every milestone.....Birthday....Transplant Anniversaries, Good Medication Checks....we are just living life and grateful that we are here to do it.

I encourage you to check out the web site. The next games will be in 2012, hopefully they will be here in Pittsburgh, but regardless of where they are we will need to raise some money..so if you would like to make a donation that would be great. Just put Along the Heart Trail in your memo line of your check.

Remember you can make a difference by being an ORGAN DONOR so sign up today!!!

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